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Town of Hudson

Home of the Hudson Coal Miner

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Please see the following statement from the Mayor:

In January, 2024, the Town of Hudson entered into a Trial lease agreement with Louise Barker to move the free food (meat, vegetables, dairy, bread) previously housed on tables in front of town hall and exposed to the elements, to the town’s building next door. Our attorney recommended the food be removed from town hall for health and legal reasons. The town agreed to lease the old town jail to Ms. Barker for an annual fee of $1.00 through January 31, 2025. Because the building has no insulation and previous tenants received extremely high electric bills for heating ($300+ per month), Ms. Barker was asked to keep the thermostat to 50 degrees, since the town paid the utility bills and hence, the reason the lease was a trial. As an example, the first month “God’s Pantry” was operational, the electric bill totaled $321.11. Ms. Barker was aware of the town’s reasons regarding the electric bills and after the town received the first bill over $300, she was notified. Since then, the electric bills during the cold months have averaged $200 a month. Prior to Ms. Barker’s occupancy, the electric bill for the building was consistently $25.54 per month. Pursuant to the terms of the lease, the Town is required to give Ms. Barker 10 days notice of cancellation or termination of the lease. Her lease ends January 31, 2025, and she signed for the notice of the cancellation letter on January 7, 2025.
I understand Ms. Barker requested to be on the agenda for our town council meeting next Tuesday. I hope she will submit a proposal to town council members to renegotiate the terms of the lease. Payment of utilities is the only item of contention on the lease and I consider the matter open to negotiation.



With the return of cold weather, please run a pencil lead size stream of water in your faucet until warmer weather returns. The base usage rate will be increased to 11,000 gallons to allow for the extra usage. Thank you!



Town Council Meeting
Second Tuesday of each month @ 6:00 p.m.-at the Town Hall

NOTE: If you want to address the council, you MUST be on the Agenda. Please contact Town Hall to be placed on the Agenda one week in advance with your information and what you would like to speak about in writing

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Town of Hudson

Hudson is a town in Fremont County, Wyoming, United States.  A post office called Hudson has been in operation since 1907.  The town was named for John T. Hudson, the original owner of the town site.

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